Istock 898719546
How long does it take to receive you Apex Carriage House Door?
  • Once the order has been placed with the factory, it will take 7 to 10 days to deliver the doors.
Are custom door sizes available?
  • Yes. Apex Carriage House Doors offers both standard and non-standard sizes. If building a new opening, it is recommended that you design your finished opening to match a standard size.
Are custom door designs available?
  • Yes. In addition to the hundreds of design possibilities from our standard design collections, Apex Carriage House Doors can handcraft a one-of-a-kind design that meets your architectural preferences.
How do I stain or paint my Apex Carriage House Door?
  • We strongly recommend that you finish the door immediately after installation to cover all exposed surfaces and edges. Apex doors can be either stained or painted. Follow the manufacturer's application instructions.
Is there a warranty?
  • Yes. We offer a one-year limited warranty on most models
Where can I buy an Apex Carriage House Custom Door?

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